LOL. Is there anything more irritating in the ebonic vocabulary? I despise that three letter response as much as I can't stand to get smiley face texts. Seriously? That's all I get? If I deem you worthy enough to grace you with a ten cent gem of a thought, you can at least respond in kind. Don't disgrace me with those three letters of conversational doom! There must be another way to express yourself when you find something entertaining.

Why has it seemed that grammar and spelling is completely fallen by the wayside? On what seemed like the 67th time to correct someone on the appropriate usage of you're verses your during a facebook bout, I got the ridiculously lame excuse that we were just chatting, thus it was unnecessary to use any semblance of accurate English. Except of course this was written something like "wez just chattin, i don hafta spell rite". Please, for the love of literary holiness, at least spell better than a third grader! I feel like I am conversing with imbiciles. Or monkeys. Or George Bush (Sorry cowboy. I heart you, but you didn't do any favors for the literate portion of the nation).

In the risk of sounding like a miffed junior high English teacher, can't we please express ourselves competently and clearly, even when though techie mediums? Wouldn't you think a bit more highly of a person if they can be witty and intelligent even through a twitter or text message? Maybe it's just my inner novelist talking here. But there just HAS to be a better way to say you're laughing! There's even an entire commercial campaign with those creepy talking thumb-head things! So please, PLEASE, for our nation's sliver of hope for future credibility as a civilized socialization, tell me you think I'm a clever cat. Or that you scared your dog when you barked out a laugh. Anything besides an LOL!


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