I am so tired of Brad, Ang and Jenn. I mean I like to stare at the aesthetic perfection like anyone else but seriously, can the paparazzi not think of anything else to follow and haunt us with? There has to be someone else to spend out time reading about? I think that the Hollywood starlet-chick with bad lipo was more interesting than the Brad and Jenn saga that never seems to end. At least with Britt we new that the end would come in some fashion. This is insane. And to be honest, I am tired of my supermarket aisles being painted with this trio.
I don't have more to say on this. I think the point has been made.
But maybe a request to Hollywoodland- would someone please do something stupid/amazing/unbelievable/incorrigible/astonishing - just do something else, PLEASE!
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