Men and women who hit each other: Something I can't even stand to hear about. This whole Rihanna and her big fat jerk business is just a bunch of malarky. Men that hit their women just plain suck. And ladies, you are not exempt either: women who control and hit their men are just as much human refuse as the men who put up with it. I was on a local radio station's website today and they had a vote going on as to whether Brown's music should be allowed to play on air. Hell NO! Let's ban Chris Brown, let's ban his music, ban photos of him and any other paraphernalia! Guys like this need to be taught a lesson. In fact, anyone who hits someone they supposedly love needs a serious wake up call. This is not healthy, this is not normal, and this is not acceptable. Take a moment and tell the local station in your area that enough is enough! If we let it slide on a nationally public scale, it will become more common at home. And trust me ladies, and fellas, violence is not the answer. Hugs not drugs! Or something like that.
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