Yes it's been a month since our last post. To our defense we have been working on pulling off the first bridal fair in the East Dallas region, Lakeside Bridal Fair in Rockwall. And as many of you know, anything preceded by the word "bridal" makes it one thousand times more difficult than it actually should be! But with that madhouse now behind us (for now) we are back to our regularly blog-casting schedule.

So the worst has happened. Yes indeed. My AT&T wireless stick has failed me on so, so many levels. I did not realize upon purchase that the stick comes with a usage limit of 5gb. Which to some of you may seem like a lot, but as a web developer who uploads and downloads files in the 1gb range, that usage is swiftly depleted. I actually used my entire month of April in one day! Alas, it was not meant to be. Star crossed lovers we have been, and the stick has gone the way of Romeo. Ill-fated suicide.

The plus side is that when I realized it would not be suiting my needs I promptly called AT&T to see if I could get out of the contract cancellation fee as I was only a few days over the deadline. Not only did they accommodate me there, they also offered to waive my overage fees! I have yet to finesse that part of the deal as i just received the bill, but this is service above and beyond what I expected. They have been very generous and understanding with the fact that the usage would not be enough to serve my vast purposes. So, if in the future they offer to up the limits, I will most certainly be interested in reinvesting in the contract. It was a great little sucker on the go. It just didn't pack enough punch to keep me workin. So now I sit in E's house hogging her wifi with iTunes downloads...

- B


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